Herbal Therapy

Herbal Therapy

from $2.00

Our Herbal Apothecary!

Herbal options and uses:

  • Dandelion Root - lowers blood pressure, aids in digestion, balances blood sugar

  • Yellow Dock powder - boosts iron, stops water retention, and inflammation

  • Uva Ursi - used for urinary tract infections

  • Feverfew - helps with arthritis, headaches/migraines, and fever

  • Citric Acid - household cleaning, making bath bombs

  • Mugwort - insect repellant, regulates periods

  • Gymnema Capsules - breaks sugar addiction

  • Milk Thistle Capsules - cleanses liver, lowers blood sugar

  • Peony Root - for PCOS, brings on menstruation, helps with epilepsy

  • Eyebright powder - for eye health/vision

  • Blue Vervain - arthritis, depression, and seizures. relaxes nervous system

  • Fo-Ti powder - stops graying, anti-aging

  • Inflammation Tea w/ Valerian

  • Bladderwrack - thyroid health, weight loss, vision health

  • Lactation Boost powder - contains fenugreek

  • PMS & Cramp powder

  • Fenugreek capsules - lowers blood sugar, promotion milk production

  • Endometriosis Blend

  • Fennel powder - fertility, digestion help, stops painful gas, boosts metabolism, treats hypertension

  • Lemon Balm - eases depression, stops herpes symptoms, colic, and gas

  • Fibroid Blend

  • Blessed Thistle - boosts milk production, increases appetite, treats cold and fever

  • Chastberry/Vitex powder - balances estrogen/hormones, regulates period. Key for PCOS

  • Valerian powder - heals insomnia, helps with severe inflammation and seizures

  • Blue Cohosh Root powder - stimulates labor and menstruation, helps with epilepsy, kills parasites, sedative and laxative

  • Dong Quai Root - helps with menstrual cramps, menopause, thins blood, lowers blood pressure, and psoriasis

  • Jamaican Dogwood - nerve pain, insomnia, anxiety, whooping cough, insecticide

  • Saw Palmetto powder - prevents hair loss, prostate health, boosts testosterone, bronchitis/cough

  • Burdock powder - works with Yellow Dock, boosts iron, cleans blood, anti-cancer, flushes lymphatic system

  • Peppermint Leaf - asthma, headaches, improves energy levels, aids digestion

  • Astragalus Root - boosts immunity, anti-aging

  • Chamomile - improves sleep, kidney and heart function

  • Lady’s Mantle - slows menstrual bleeding, aids with menopause, heals skin from bug bites, sores, and stings, relieves diarrhea

  • Mullein - loosens mucus, helps with coughs/clears lungs, ear infections, pain relief, helps with pnuemonia and cancer

  • Catnip - improves digestion and sleep, improves healing speed, skin, and weight loss, anti-anxiety

  • Hibiscus powder - lowers blood pressure and cholesterol, helps dandruff and acne, anti-microbial

Herbs for personal use.

Choose encapsulation for powders only that you’d like encapsulated.

Capsules come in 24 count.

Use at your own risk. Book a consultation or research herbs before ingesting.

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