Hi, I am Laje Reine, a glamour alchemist, astrologer, herbalist, and mother. I help women become their best, sexiest selves. I am an equestrian and dancer who loves reading, and being a glamour model. Educated at Spelman College and graduating with a degree in Comparative Women’s Studies, I then studied public health and became a doula and lactation counselor. In all of my time working with women, I saw one thing in common: they wanted to be their smoking hot selves but were too exhausted with work, kids, or both to truly do it. Too tired to be the badasses that they were born to be! After suffering from postpartum depression, I started working on healing myself spiritually and physically. Through ancestral spiritual work, using plants as medicine, and heart-centered therapy I healed myself from hormonal imbalances and a life of unfulfillment. I have always been a glamour girl at heart and beauty saved my life! It’s more than buying a great lipstick; it’s self-assured posture and facing oneself in the mirror. It’s feminine power. It’s #GlamAlchemy.

Thank you.